At his two week check-up the ridge was more defined and a “bump” was more evident on the back of his head. Knowing the time restrictions for the endoscopic surgery, the pediatrician ordered x-rays which showed suspicion of sagittal synostosis and they recommended a CT which confirmed the diagnosis.
This type of surgery has to be done before 4 - 6 months of age in order to take advantage of the rapid brain growth that babies have. So after the neurosurgeon reviewed the CT, the surgery was scheduled and we are now making plans to head down there in less than two weeks.
I can’t believe how quickly this is approaching!! It breaks my heart to think of such a little (and I use that term loosely as I know he is such a big baby) one having to go through any surgery, let alone one where they will be removing part of my son’s skull. But we are happy with Ryan’s results and trust we are doing the right thing for Chase.
So that is where we are at. I plan to post frequently as we make our way through the ordeal. I just want our story shared so that other’s can know should they ever encounter anyone else in similar circumstances.